Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lincoln College Women's Football Club - WOOT!


As you can see, I took the plunge and started to really investigate learning how to play world football (US soccer) while I'm in the UK. I had known since the first term that my college has a women's rec team I could join, but the fear of not knowing how to play combined with the newness of my academic existance kept me from seriously looking into anything for the 2005/2006 season. I always had plans to get my butt in gear and join up, but my butt is a talented staller. Today, it not only sputtered to life, but flew into hyperdrive after reading the above link...especially the part about "Enthusiasm required, skills optional." After I noted the kickass navy and blue striped kits in the team photo my waning fear was solidly vanquished by my need for sweet footy fashion. ;)

Needless to say, I sent an email to the captain straight away asking to join the offseason training sessions. The time for simply watching footy is over. I'm so worked up I'm having to consciously stop myself from randomly kicking around my signed Timbers ball. But that's an $80 mint ball...feckin hell...where's Dooley when I need him?

UPDATE: I just received a reply from the Captain of the LCWFC...I'm officially on the team!!!!!! All I need to do is get myself a pair of boots and I'm set (they've got everything else), and it doesn't even cost anything to join the club...absolutely fabulous. Why didn't I do this sooner??!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The TA tours the UK

I needed to give myself a few days to recover before I posted about the amazingly awesome once-in-a-lifetime experience of being with 30 friends from the TA over in the UK for 2 weeks. After much thought, I've come to the conclusion that it's really impossible to describe how warmly and generously we were welcomed by all the Sunderland supporters across the country, how Gary the Mackem (our host with the most in Seaham!) and his wife Jackie broke the mold in their unwavering organization and generosity, and how the hotel owners Ian and his wife bent over backwards to make sure the cider never stopped flowing and there was no need to leave the bar before the sun came up. The hospitality was unparralelled, and whenever the next time I have money comes around, you can bet a holiday in Seaham at the Harbourview Hotel will be at the top of my agenda.

I could gush about how insanely cool the 2 Sunderland matches were, but this has been well documented by one of the talented travelling TA reporters here.

As a good representation of the pure fun that was this trip, I'll leave you with a hilarious picture of me and Kurt participating in an American vs. British chugging line contest...the Brits kicked our butts...but their bars close at like 11 here, so they HAVE to drink fast. ;)

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Thanks to my lovely friend Audrey for taking this awesome picture...I hope you don't mind I snagged an e-copy and posted it here.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I am no mere mortal!

Ok, today was a working and quiz taking day...loved the results of these two quizzes:

What's your ANIME life story? XxX Pictures! XxX (for GIRLS!)

PRINCESS You were born in a golden palace atop a lush mountain overlooking the sea. You were tutored, pampered, and loved, but felt somehow unfulfilled. Then, on your 16th birthday, your parents told you the truth of your past. No mere mortal, you were the daughter of a demon and a goddess, and now that you were of age, you were in danger. Each wanted to claim you, as the powerful mixture of your blood would decide the fate of the world. Your life is all about decisions. You are torn, but somehow you will find your path.image:
Take this quiz!

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If You Were a Cat, What Would You Look Like? (Awesome, adorable pics!)

You would be an adorable, flexible kitten with a playful, unique personality.
Take this quiz!

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The ukcidergirl braves

The people I love most in this world are the handful of brave souls who adore me for my strengths but also help me see my weaknesses. Far from being ukcidergirl groupies and, oh yes, the ukcidergirl groupies exist ;), the "ukcidergirl braves," as I like to think of them, are people who in the midst of bestowing big congratulatory hugs point their finger out towards the horizon to help me see my next challenge. While they let me celebrate my success, they don't let me revel in it. They keep me grounded, humble, and real. In short, they are the touchstones who keep me from falling victim to megalomania, which is a struggle for any good Leo.

Recently, I had one of those moments where a brave (who may not even know I consider them one) truly helped expand my intellectual world by the smallest of gestures...they simply suggested some website links to help keep me in touch with current events in the States. Now, I admit I've been awful about keeping up to date on what's been happening in the US since I became an ex-pat, and that was clearly illuminated when I was visiting with 30 friends from Portland over the last few weeks. I was embarrassed when in conversation I couldn't remember specifics about Karl Rove outside of "the evil dude who is the spindoctor for W." Hmmm...I'm suspecting in an intellectual debate it would be better for me to just pretend I'd never even heard of Rove, as calling him a "dude" of any sort will most likely get my Oxford library card immediately revoked.

In an effort to kickstart the atrophied parts of my brain that used to grasp modern American politics and current events, I spent a large portion of this afternoon catching up on the particulars of how the evil dudes in Washington are not only up a creek without a paddle, but also sending us swiftly to hell in a handbasket. Since it was only my first day back in the current event saddle, I'm still discussing such topics in euphemisms. I'll let you know when I'm sufficiently reschooled to the point where I can discuss who Karl Rove is without thinking he is somehow attached to Black Magic and the Occult. ;)

One serious point though - to all my family and friends living in West Virginia, please write Senator Rockefeller urging him to help stop a Republican attempt to delay the investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence of the Bush Administration's handling of the Iraq war. Rockefeller is in a position where he could do something, but it seems he is not inclined to act. You can read the full account of what's happening with the Republican stonewalling effort here: click me

Also, if you want to see the internet stay free and open and not, in effect, "owned" by large telecom corps, please read this and consider signing the petition (I did.).