Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lincoln College Women's Football Club - WOOT!


As you can see, I took the plunge and started to really investigate learning how to play world football (US soccer) while I'm in the UK. I had known since the first term that my college has a women's rec team I could join, but the fear of not knowing how to play combined with the newness of my academic existance kept me from seriously looking into anything for the 2005/2006 season. I always had plans to get my butt in gear and join up, but my butt is a talented staller. Today, it not only sputtered to life, but flew into hyperdrive after reading the above link...especially the part about "Enthusiasm required, skills optional." After I noted the kickass navy and blue striped kits in the team photo my waning fear was solidly vanquished by my need for sweet footy fashion. ;)

Needless to say, I sent an email to the captain straight away asking to join the offseason training sessions. The time for simply watching footy is over. I'm so worked up I'm having to consciously stop myself from randomly kicking around my signed Timbers ball. But that's an $80 mint ball...feckin hell...where's Dooley when I need him?

UPDATE: I just received a reply from the Captain of the LCWFC...I'm officially on the team!!!!!! All I need to do is get myself a pair of boots and I'm set (they've got everything else), and it doesn't even cost anything to join the club...absolutely fabulous. Why didn't I do this sooner??!!


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Lucas said...

Awesome, Tiff! I want to detailed match reports and plenty of locker room pics ;)

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is wicked, well in mate i love footy and don't know what i'd do without it, it so good that more women and girls are getting involved now a days!!!!i bet you'll win the league!!!!!


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