Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Work, work, work

Well, it's been over a week since my last post, but I'm happy to report the main cause of this has been the crazy hours I've been spending on my research. Case in point, it's 4:15 AM here, and about an hour ago, I finally finished working for the day. In an effort to unclench my mental hooks from the social structure of Elizabethan Ipswich, I decided to watch an episode of Garfield before trying to sleep. Now, I'm writing a blog entry. Hopefully after this I'll actually feel tired.

That thought leads me to my next point: as I get further into my research I seem to be getting completely sucked in to my work. Hours will pass without my noticing. I think this might be one of the only drawbacks of getting to throw yourself into work that inspires you. Still, at some point I'm going to have to figure out a way to get my mind to stop its continuous analysis of my research. Even as I type this, I'm still thinking about the sources I read earlier tonight and what they could mean, different arguments I could make, and how this will all coalesce into a paper. Me obsessed? Nope, not at all. ;-)

Anyhoo, outside of my obsession with work, life has been going pretty well over here. The dinner I went to last week was nice. Stuart worked his magic with the kitchen, so I was able to eat a wonderful three-course vegetarian meal. On another dinner note, I've been invited to be a guest at a formal dinner at Exeter college tomorrow night. This will be my first time eating at a different college, so it should be interesting and fun. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also, it looks like plans are moving forward with the seminar series a some other students and I are putting together for next year. We are meeting this Wednesday to come up with our final list of potential guest speakers. We just decided to try and run the seminar for two terms next year, instead of just one. I'm very excited with how the seminar seems to be coming together. I'll be sure to keep you updated as we finalize the details.

Okeedokee, time for an attempt at sleep!


At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might try some exercise on a regular basis. Select something that you can do easily and is not too much of a chore-Tennis anyone? I have found milk and cookies- plus light reading (mystery, DR. Zeus, etc. TV never worked for me)whatever you like and diverts your mind from your work. Good luck- research can even permiate your dreams, as you likely know by now. Luv gpa

At 6:07 AM, Blogger Lucas said...

You could also try something like a crossword or sudoku puzzle, or knitting; something that focuses your attention without taxing your intellectual energy too much. This helps me "turn off" when I feel kind of stretched thin, whether I want to fall asleep or just need a mental break in whatever more challenging thing I'm in the midst of tackling. Also porn is good ;)


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