Thursday, May 31, 2007

Onwards to Wales!

Greetings from soggy England. The weather has been quite rainy and yuck-filled lately, which must be why I'm feeling rather under it today. Bed and tea are much more agreeable when it's pouring outside and your throat is scratchy. Ergo, "Bed and Tea" is my theme for the day.

In exciting news, I've been invited to go on a short holiday to Wales! One of my friend's grandparents own a vacation home there and she has asked if I want to join a group going for a long weekend. It looks like I will be in Wales 8 June - 11 June. I can't wait, it should prove to be quite a good time.

Also, I've received some requests for a recent photograph. As I'm never one to disappoint, below is a nice shot of me being comfy and keeping out of the rain:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Being quoted is cool

A warm hello from your long absent blogger.

During my hiatus some helpful events transpired, so I'll begin the update with them. First, I've finally figured out a schedule that effectively integrates paid work, research, writing, and my small bit of social time left between eating and sleeping. I've also begun to make some significant improvements in the processes/procedures at paid work, which means I no longer leave feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. That is one of the most beneficial things that has happened over the last month or so - I finally have control over my life again. Yippee!

In research news, I've had two meeting with my supervisor and my work (which was derailed for a bit last term) is finally back on track. This has made me breathe another big sigh of relief. I've also been having more discussions with OPP2 about researching poverty. One of our most recent discussions culminated in him asking if he could quote some of my research from my MA thesis in his DPhil...woo-hoo! It's my first (known) citation in an academic work! Very cool.

Right now, I'm finalising the chapter (yep, the same just doesn't want to be finished I tell you!). After that, I'm going to revisit my MA thesis and rework one of the chapters into an article that I will try to have published in a journal. I'll let you know how that progresses.

In football news, Spurs ended the season 5th in the league! Since the top 4 teams (Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Arsenal) always tops the league each year, 5th place has become known as the new "1st". They are, in effect, "the best of the rest" (the rest being all those outside of the "big 4"). Awesome news for Spurs as it means they will once again be playing in Europe for the UEFA Cup competition.

I've also been busy (with 3 other co-conveners) planning the Social, Cultural and Economic History seminar series that we will once again run next year. We're excited about our potential speakers and that it was successful enough this year to make it worthwhile to continue.

Also, also, the Portland Timbers season has started and it has been fun (albeit bittersweet) to follow their triumphs and woes so far this season. Some of my wonderful friends back in Portland have sent me surprise Timbers themed care packages which have helped immeasurably to lessen the sadness of being away. Thank you Howie, Katie, Betsy, Gisele, and all the US cidergirl contingent!!

Well, I think that will have to be enough for now. I have another deadline I'm working to, so must get back to writing. Will try to make sure my next update is much sooner than the last.