Sunday, March 12, 2006

Flight of the Bumblebee

So, I was in the middle of watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 (episode 107 - Monster Robot) when during one of the skits Joel brought up the whole "flight of the bumblebee" physics problem. The way Joel put it "physics has yet to explain how bumblebees fly...their bodies are too big for their wingspan...physics says bumblebees can't fly, but they fly...go figure, Tom Servo." This leads to a cute few seconds of Tom Servo trying to use his robot brain to answer the question and then his head bursts into flames. Now, as cute as all that was, I was intrigued because I had never heard about this bumblebee quandary before today (I've never taken physics, although I did sit-in on one class an ex-bf was taking in undergrad, I remember thinking it seemed much more my style than Chemistry...but, I digress). Anyway, the point is that I was sufficiently intrigued to do some online research into physicists' issues with the flight of bumblebees. After only a few moments of good research, I found a really intriguing article.

While you can't believe everything you read (and I plan to ask my physicist Bradad about this at the next opportunity), it would seem from the cited article that Physics actually can explain the flight of the bumblebee. What it can't explain is the perpetuation of misinformation...or maybe that falls under Newton's First Law. If so, let me add whatever possible weight I may have towards the unbalanced force...

1)Flying bumblebees are not miraculous, at least no more miraculous than me riding a bike.

2)Proving science fallible does not prove that god exists - it only reinforces that neither science nor religion contains all the answers.

Also, why do people look for moralistic stories in the flight of bumblebees? I'm sure I could come up with a bumblebee moral about how hurting others hurts you (e.g. the bumblebee's loss of its stinger after it stings), but is that really necessary? Aren't there more poignant (and more pressing) moral examples one could use (if one felt the need/inclination)?

Alright, enough deep thinking for one evening...back to MST3k and the silly giggles it engenders.

EDIT - Ok, I did a bit more research and it looks like my above idea for a bumblebee moral would only perpetuate another line of misinformation...since bumblebees can sting without losing their stinger...losing stingers upon stinging (and the abdominal rupturing death which follows) is the sad plight of the honeybee.

Cool, I surfed my way out of ignorance twice on to find an article reminding me that the internet is not a good source of educational information...;-)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Best. Presentation. Ever.

Alright so maybe not the best presentation of my life, but considering tonight marked my first presentation in front of professors and other grad students at Oxford, and it went really freaking well, it's still one of the best presentations of my life. Follow that with gratis dinner and wine care of the seminar conveners, and drinks with friends afterwards at the pub and I can't think of a better evening. I'm glowing. Now for a good movie and a good night's sleep.

Ahhh. Life is good. :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Case of the Disappearing Blogger

Well, I admit it, this initially diligent blogger disappeared.

To make amends for this, I thought I would lay before you the many and varied reasons behind my disappearance (and in doing so catch you up to speed on what's been happening for me over here).

1) For those possibly keeping track, we're now in 8th week of Hilary Term (or the final week of school before the break). Project deadlines began to loom about two weeks ago, and the pressure to finish the paper I've been working on has steadily mounted. Thankfully, I finished the first draft of this paper last Monday, and had a very positive meeting with my supervisor Monday evening where we reviewed his thoughts on my work. Now, I have until tomorrow evening to make the requisite revisions, complete my citations, and practice reading it, in preparation to present the paper at my core seminar this Thursday evening. I'm very excited about the presentation. It will be interesting to field questions on my topic from other students and professors in my field. Afterwards, the seminar conveners are taking a group of us out for wine and pizza and more discussion. Then,post-pizza a few of the other students and I are planning to celebrate the end of term by heading to a pub for continued chatter (but of the less scholastic kind). Thursday should be good times.


2) On top of school work, I've started to have a steady social life over here. I've made real friends! Yay for me! I knew I could do it! So, I've been taking a few hours off of work every now and then to unwind and enjoy dinner and a movie, or discussions about life with some of the people I've begun to become closer with. Oxford has begun to be a really great place to hang out and relax with friends. That makes me very happy.

While other little things have cropped up now and then to distract me from writing my blog, the above two factors were by far the most affecting. However, now that the term is winding down, I should have a bit more time to describe the goings on in my life and mind. I promise to be more diligent going forward.