Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Toto, you can have my ruby slippers...

'cause the Wizard doesn't need tax returns from employed Oz-fordians. Hand to god. If the Kansa-mericans need to take a moment, I understand. It was hard for me to believe too.

Of course UK inhabitants are still taxed. And drawbacks to the no-tax-filing system definitely exist (mainly that everyone is assessed a flat-rate tax based on the levels of your income, and there seem to be no general tax breaks based on circumstantial factors - i.e. the Education credits American students can get for tuition costs or student loan interest). Even so, the UK equivalent of an American's "personal exemption" is much higher here than there, so I imagine the tax payment difference for someone in my situation will be minimal. Plus, did I mention I don't have to stress over filing taxes by April 15th?? That in itself makes up for any nominal overage. And you'll never believe what other events have happened in History on America's annual tax deadline...that day simply reeks of bad mojo.

However, to catch you up and relay some good mojo news, I flew back to England last weekend and started my new job today! I am still getting my bearings and meeting people, but it seems like a very dynamic and fun place to work. Also, it looks like I will have a great deal of autonomy and agency in this new position, which is exciting. Additionally, the office is located next to one of the best pubs in town...post-work happy hour, here I come. ;-)


At 3:54 PM, Blogger Robin V. Chen - Yoga Teacher said...

Oh, wow. A world without tax deadlines... (this is me pausing for a moment to daydream...)

I would think it saves the British government a lot of money not to have to deal with all the complexities, late payments, auditing, etc. that goes with US style taxes too.

Glad you like your job too!

It's snowing (like just a little bit) here so all the schools are closed today!


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