Tuesday, October 31, 2006

OPP - Phase 2

To give Jo some company (and hopefully stem some of the outrage ;) ), here is the next OPP installment...

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Alias: Jon
Codename: Poo
Nationality: English...oops, I meant Northern
Oxford Status: We share a DPhil supervisor, the early modern English poor, an interest in socio-economic history, and now co-convene a seminar with two other grad students. Academically we are usually complimentary opposites: I'm heavy on the "socio" and he's heavy on the "economic"; I'm mainly 16th/17th centuries, he's 17th/18th centuries; He focuses on rural poverty, I focus on urban poverty. Regardless of these oppositions, we both enjoy drinking pints, playing pub quiz machines, and randomly talking about dead people and their taxes. Clearly, our friendship will remain secure...as long as he doesn't steal any of my research topics...
Last Known Whereabouts: Having a pint with me and the other History crew at the Mitre, where we all imbibed and debated such topics including: my inability to play Region 2 DVDs on my laptop, the probability of a certain History professor's status as a Liverpool supporter before last year's "upswing", and Jon's ability to use an early modern poem repeatedly showcasing the word fu*k as a teaching tool in a class for undergraduates...

Haha..this is a good representation of the look I gave him frequently throughout tonight's discussion...
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Also, Happy Halloween!!!


At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiff, does Jon know when the F word originated in print? I was recently debating this. I think it's been around for a rather long time, but others think it is a pretty modern invention. Maybe your Poo friend knows the answer.. Regardless, it's a good topic for pints. I really miss our pint drinking times. :-)

At 10:21 PM, Blogger Tiffany said...

Hi sweetie, just saw your comment! As far as I'm aware, it's a late-medieval expression, which came about by shortening "Fornication Under Consent of the King" I guess you could say it was one of the earliest acronyms...but, I should say that I haven't actually read extensively about it, that's just what I've picked up...it could be hearsay though. I'll check with Jon and let you know.


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