Friday, September 29, 2006

School's out for summer...oh, wait...

Almost 4 months without a post...eek! To those who were worried by this absence - the rumour that I was abducted at a rugby match is completely false. ;) My explanation is weak, but true: in June the sun returned to this beautiful island and I could do nothing except drink in every glorious ray. As I'm sure you can imagine all that drinking drastically reduced my available blogging time.

Highlights of my summer include:

1) Crying when England lost in the World Cup penalty shoot-out with Portugal. I catch myself now referring to the England national football team as "we"...this gets many chuckles from my English friends as they cheekily say "oh, are we talking about the US national team?"

2) Discovering the wonderful pastime of laying by the water in the University Parks and working on my laptop in the sun...doesn't get much better than that.

3) Jo teaching me how to punt on the river. Only a picture will do this experience justice:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

4) Finally falling in love with a Premiership club - the English part of my heart definitively belongs to Spurs. I look back on my time casually following Arsenal as my "confused period"...I expect to feel the same about past boyfriends if/when I ever get married. :P

5) Attending the season home opener for Spurs - and watching them win. It was like being in heaven, if heaven was a football stadium and Paul Robinson was god. ;)

6) My grandparents visiting and getting to spend a whole bunch of one-on-one time with them.

7) Celebrating with Jo right before she moved from Oxford to Russia. I really miss her, but with the wonders of the internet it's often like she's still here. And now I have an extremely good reason to visit Moscow! Although, we might meet up in Estonia instead...less visa costs/issues involved...

As the summer sun begins to fade and a familiar dark wetness descends on Oxford, posting this entry makes me smile. I hope it makes you smile too.


At 6:37 PM, Blogger Audrey said...

I'm glad you're doing well. :) Lucas and I had a great time over there last spring, so I hope we'll manage another trip in the next year or two and get to come see you again.


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