Sunday, May 14, 2006

The football-crazed social butterfly

Well, this week has been a resounding success both educationally and socially. All in all a great start to the Spring. I didn't spend as much time on my research this week because I was busy trying to get some of the more practical (read: financial) aspects of my education sorted out, and everything seems to be going smoothly there for now. So that's good. The "Great Boo's Up" on Friday night was a lot of fun, about 8 people congreagted at the Jericho Tavern, one of which was Stuart, the Lincoln MCR president. Strangely enough, he asked me if I wanted to be Social Secretary for the MCR next year...I said I would "think about it," as I have a feeling it would be a ton of work to organize all of the big graduate social events for the college, but I was flattered that he asked. I guess I'm not as anti-social as I thought, or at least Stuart seems to think I've got social potential.

Also during the Boo's up, I was reintroduced to Stella Shandys by Sophie, Jon's girlfriend. Stella Shandys are so refreshing in the warmer seasons, and I admit they are a close second to my normal drink of crisp cold British cider. Still, I didn't have too many drinks Friday because I had plans to come back to my room by midnight in order to follow the Timbers away match in Miami at 12:30 am. That was a very exciting match and it looked like we would either win or draw, but sadly wound up losing 3-2. The Timbers play Puerto Rico tonight so hopefully we'll get ourselves together and walk away with some points this weekend.

Speaking of football, today was my first time out playing footy with Joanna. We had a blast just doing some fun kickaround drills, shooting at a mock goal, and playing 1-1 "steal the ball." Jo's a lot of fun to play with and by the end we were laughing as much as we were running and I felt much more secure that I won't look totally clueless when I play on Tuesday with LCWFC. Here's a picture of me looking exhausted but happy after kicking the ball around with Jo today:

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Alright, all of this excercise has me ravenous, so I'm going to go make some grub. Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there in the US (Hi Mom!!)! (The UK mother's day is in March, so all the mom's here have already gottten lots of love this year. ;))


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